1st day. The bases of cyclic voltammetry
Class, 8:30 – 12:30 am (Cyrille Costentin)
- Welcome to CVIS
- Cyclic voltammetry of fast one-electron transfers (Nernstian responses)
- Introduction to dimensionless formulations and to educated simulations
- One-electron transfer to molecules immobilized on the electrode
- One-electron transfer to free moving molecules
- Technical aspects
- The cyclic voltammetry experiment. Cell, electrodes and instrument
- Faradaic and double layer charging currents
- Ohmic drop. Resistance compensation
- Successive one-electron transfers vs. two-electron transfers
- Cyclic voltammetry of slow electron transfers
- Immobilized and free moving reactants (investigating electron transfer kinetics by means of cyclic voltammetry)
- Linear (Butler-Volmer) and non-linear (for outersphere, concerted dissociative and concerted proton coupled electron transfers) rate laws
Laboratory, 2:00 – 6:00 (or more) pm (Cyrille Costentin and Cédric Tard)
- Cyclic voltammetry of a Nernstian system (e.g. anthracene in an aprotic solvent)
- Ohmic drop and ohmic drop compensation with dummy and real cells
- An example of slow electron transfer
2nd day. Coupled chemical reactions
Class, 8:30 – 12:30 am (Marc Robert)
- The EC reaction scheme
- Fast electron transfer, pure kinetic conditions
- Governing equations, reaction profiles (reaction-diffusion layer)
- Transitions from reversibility to irreversibility, determining standard potential and follow-up reaction rate constant
- Zone diagram, travelling through the zone diagram
- Competition between diffusion, chemical reaction and slow charge transfer
- Concerted processes: competition between stepwise and concerted reactions, concerted proton-coupled electron transfers
- Other case: dimerization
Laboratory, 2:00 – 6:00 (or more) pm (Marc Robert and Cédric Tard)1
- Examples of EC mechanisms
- 2-chloroanthracene in N,N’-dimethylformamide (EC first order, determination of standard potential and follow-up reaction rate constant)
- Benzaldehyde (in ethanol at pH 12) (ECdim, determination of standard potential, electron transfer standard rate constant and dimerization rate constant)
- Examples of concerted cleavages
- Benzyl chloride (a concerted cleavage with a transfer coefficient close to 0.3)
- Trichloroacetonitrile (a concerted cleavage with a sticky interaction between fragments)
3rd day. Catalytic systems
Class, 8:30 – 12:30 am (Cyrille Costentin)
- Homogeneous systems
- Principle: 1e-1 step reaction: zone diagram
- Catalytic Tafel plots
- Benchmarking of catalysts
- Multi electron-multi steps catalytic reactions, case of 2e – 2 step reactions
- Catalytic films
- Monolayer coatings
- Multilayer coatings
Laboratory, 2:00 – 6:00 (or more) pm (Cyrille Costentin and Cédric Tard)
- Catalysis of electrochemical reduction of CO2 with Fe0tetraphenylporphyrin (Fe0TPP) as catalyst (in N,N’-dimethylformamide)
- Investigation of different parameters influencing the catalytic response: scan rate, addition of acid
- Analysis of the mechanism, catalytic Tafel plot
4th day. Redox enzymes
Class, 8:30 – 12:30 am (François Mavré)
- Introduction to the cyclic voltammetry of redox enzymes
- The ping-pong mechanism
- Cyclic voltammetry of homogeneous redox mediated enzyme catalysis
- Transposition to immobilized systems
- How the Michaelis-Menten kinetics shows up in cyclic voltammetry
- Illustrating examples of more complicated mechanisms
- Mediated versus direct enzyme electrochemistry
Laboratory, 2:00 – 6:00 (or more) pm (François Mavré)
- Cyclic voltammetric study of the redox mediated catalytic oxidation of glucose by glucose oxidase in homogeneous solution
- Investigation of the different parameters influencing the catalytic response
- Experimental approach of the redox mediated catalytic oxidation of glucose by a monolayer of glucose oxidase immobilized on an electrode surface
5th day. Questions from the floor
9:00 – 12:30 am
Cyrille Costentin, François Mavré, Marc Robert, Cédric Tard and Niklas von Wolff answer questions from the group.